Terms of Use

Parts Map is the owner and operator of the website used to find replacement parts for cars, trucks, motorcycles, and various transportation vehicles. You may use the Parts Map website in accordance with the site's terms and conditions, as well as the law, provided that you do so in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of any third party and respects the privacy of users as detailed in the site's privacy policy. The use of the site is intended for personal use only and not for commercial purposes. The terms of the site are formulated in masculine or feminine language for design or convenience purposes only, and they equally refer to all genders. Use of the site requires registration and provision of identifying personal details, in general.

The site allows you to post content at your discretion, and you must ensure and confirm that you have the rights to it. Use of the site will be through subscription, purchase of single or multiple-use access, or any other means provided by the operator. The use is for personal use only. Third parties are not permitted to use the "subscription," whether for consideration or not. You declare and undertake not to collect content and data from the site in any form (except by regular viewing of ads as any reasonable user), including through any technological, electronic, computer, or automatic means, and not to copy, duplicate, publish, or display them. Any other use will constitute a violation of the site's terms, and the operator reserves the right to block your use of the services and seek appropriate compensation without prejudice to any other action available to the operator. Without derogating from the foregoing, you declare and undertake not to copy, duplicate, update, modify, distribute, or publish any content found on the site. Not to take any action that will create or may create a burden on the site's systems and servers. Not to take any action that interferes with or disrupts the normal operation of the site and services. Not to bypass or attempt to bypass any technological measures existing on the site or related systems designed to prevent such activities under this agreement. You undertake not to post or submit to the site harmful content that violates the rights of others, including material that infringes or violates the copyrights/trademarks of another entity, including files of music, means of circumvention of removal or cancellation of digital protections on software and computer files, protected images/movies, texts, or artworks created by others; any computer code, code, or application intended to harm the site, such as malicious software, viruses, worms, malicious applications; any illegal material, sensitive security information; material that constitutes slander or has a vicious, threatening, coarse, or racist nature; material that exposes personal information about others without their consent and that may violate their privacy; material of a botched sexual nature or pornographic material that violates any law or may offend public sentiment; personal details or any material relating to minors without the legal guardian's approval; any material or message that violates any law; any material contrary to accepted Internet usage practices or that may cause harm or injury to Internet users in general, and to Parts Map customers in particular. If one or more of the above conditions are violated, you will indemnify the company for any damage caused to it as a result of these violations. The operator reserves the right to immediately block your access to the platform if you act contrary to this agreement and/or the law, or for any other reasonable reason.

Limited Liability

The website, services, and information provided therein are offered "As Is" - it is clarified that the user, and only the user, bears exclusive responsibility for their use and for all consequences thereof. The operator provides a platform and is not a party to any contract made or not made, and to the extent that any contract is made as stated, the operator shall not be liable for any such contract or for any errors and/or mistakes, to the extent that there are or will be, in the data appearing on the platform, as well as for any direct, indirect, or other loss, damage, shortfall, or harm caused directly or indirectly, to you, or to anyone acting on your behalf, or to any other third party, as a result of their use.

The platform allows users to post various content and/or information, including different parts, prices, and other additional data. This information is not provided by the operator and is not done on its behalf, but is provided as a service to users only. The user declares that it is known to him that the operator cannot control content uploaded to the site by others, nor can it prevent errors, defects, and mistakes in this information or content, and that the operator is not responsible for the quality, accuracy, and suitability of the products sold and/or offered, and/or the quality of the services provided and/or offered, for your needs or purposes. It is emphasized and stressed that no contract should be made or decision taken based on the content or information provided on the site without conducting independent verification and ensuring their accuracy with relevant parties.

The operator does not undertake that the service will be provided continuously, without interruptions or malfunctions, and reserves the right to temporarily or permanently prevent the participation of users at its sole discretion. The privacy policy of the website requires the provision of personal information, including providing a number of personal data such as: full name, telephone number, email address, and more. This data will be transferred and stored in the operator's database. It is emphasized that the provision of this data by you is not required by law, but without providing it, you will not be able to use the services offered on the site. Your use of the site, as well as the use of other users, may result in the collection of information and data about the type of activity you performed on the site. This information, as well as personal information about you, will be stored in the operator's database and will be used in accordance with the provisions of any law. The operator may use personal information and information collected about you, among other things, to send system updates and updates regarding searches and/or data you publish, send emails and/or SMS messages to phones, and contact you in other ways in accordance with the law (including by means of advertising, direct mailing, and direct mailing services). The operator may make general use of information collected about you for marketing purposes or for statistical research by the operator and/or third parties, for the purpose of improving the services provided within the framework of the site, changing and improving the structure of the site, expanding/narrowing its areas of activity, and other purposes, at the discretion of the operator and for the benefit of users and the operation of the site. Additionally, the operator may use personal information and information collected about you to contact you and update you on promotions and/or other relevant services. The operator will make reasonable efforts to protect and secure the information provided by you, but cannot provide complete and protected security against unauthorized intrusion and unauthorized use by third parties, and therefore shall not be liable for any damage caused to you as a result of cases of use of information as mentioned above and/or as a result of acts or omissions of unauthorized parties not under its control. As part of the services, you will be allowed to directly contact third parties, including other users, during which you may be asked to provide details and/or any information about you, which may be collected by them without your consent. The operator is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any use that may be made by them and shall not be liable for any damage caused by their use of your details, including infringement of your privacy.

Intellectual Property

The user declares that it is known to him that all intellectual property rights, copyrights, trade secrets, ownership rights, and/or usage rights regarding the website are solely owned by the operator, or by third parties who have allowed him to use the relevant content, and the user shall have no rights in them, and the use of this information is for personal use only. It is not permitted to copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, or otherwise use any information from the website, unless prior written consent has been given by the operator.

Termination of Contract

Termination will be carried out by sending an email/WhatsApp/phone call to our company as detailed in the contact information, and the cancellation will take effect at the end of the month following. In accordance with consumer protection law, payment cancellation policy will allow for the cancellation of any transaction within 48 hours from the moment of payment for the service, the request will be made by contacting our company according to the details provided on the contact page of the website. In the case of payment for continuous service, the charge will be canceled immediately at the end of the current month upon receipt of the request, and disconnection will occur no later than 2 business days from the time of the request. However, only in the case of a one-time rate charge - in the event that payment is received for.